Took a shot at the moon for my Day 2 pic.
It took several exposures to get the right shutter speed .
Finally shot with f/32 aperture and shutter speed of 1/5 secs (200mm)
but I could not decide between the two colors of the moon, maybe my frens can help me with this :-
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Day 2 - A Shot @ the Moon
Friday, January 29, 2010
A Picture a Day for 365 - Day 1
This idea has been building inside me for quite some time, actually since I got the camera in my hands and have been trying to get better at photography. Then I read about so many people successfully doing it online and that gave my confidence levels a big boost.
Everyday I go about rushing to work, to pick up my daughter, to the grocery store or just rushing home in time to get the dinner ready!
While I am driving around like crazy from point A to point B/C/D and so on, I see so many photo opportunities, a voice in my heart says "Stop and take this shot now!" and even though I have my camera in the bag and my tripod in the car the logical voice in my head says -- "You are running Late! Step on it and come back here when you have some more time."
Hence this project is for me to stop at atleast one such place, take a breath and take a picture.
What I hope to get out of this?
The smug look I get when I do something really creative! and hopefuly this will make me a better photographer somewhere down the road.
Here is my plan :-
start with Understanding exposure, find the photographic opportunities listed in the pages along my daily route (sometimes off route) and click :-)
Then find all the good books on photographic techniques, lighting, color effects and generes of photography etc etc etc and work my way through them for 365 days ... whew!
Here is my first shot for the project, This one is simple really, a shot of Ganapati Bappa to make this project of mine a Success !
Shot @ f/5.6 (set the shutter speed till light meter showed correct exposure)
Manual blend of a sepia and normal image using GIMP (
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Its not everyday when something as majestic as this just happens to "happen" when you are around. Since shot handheld my photo does not do justice to the actual beauty nature had laid out in front of us while on a drive to Big Sur
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Macro with Kenko
The kenko extension tubes arrived and so did the rain.
I was getting impatient to test them and rain did not show any signs of stopping.
Took a 10 min slowdown in the rainfall to comb through my backyard for possiblities....
When I found this one, I knew I had to atleast try before it starts pouring heavily again. (Waiting for later would have meant no light for a good shot.)
Setup required was -
D300s, 50mm f/1.8 lens, kenko 36mm extension tube (aperture priority f/8),
manfrotto tripod with 488rc4 ball head
"An umbrella!!!"
Had to setup the tripod way down and real close since the lens needed to be within 2 inches of this bud -all the while shielding camera with an umbrella. Took only two exposures before the rain was coming down heavily and I had to run back inside.
I am glad I took the chance :-)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Next Generation
Here are some latest and interesting excerpts of conversation between my daughter and frankly anyone who would lend an ear...
On the phone with my sister in Bangalore :-
My Sister :- Hi ! How are you doing? What did you do today?
Aishi :- went to school .. played with friends ... did some jobs ...
Sister :- do you like school
Aishi :- no
Aishi :- OK I am pressing the Red button now
Sister :- Which red button?
Aishi :- On the phone (silly)
Sister :- why ?
Aishi :- You talk tooo much !
Aishi Admiring my earrings:-
Me :- Do you like these
Aishi :- Yes
Me:- when you are as big as mommy, I will give them to you...
Aishi :- (points to her earrings) when you are as big as Aishi, I will give these to you!!!
In conversation with Daddy on the phone:-
Aishi :- Daddy where are you ?
Daddy :- Triichy
Aishi :- Get on a plane and come here !!!
Aishi :- Dora, you never listen ! I will give you a time out...
Dora :- (Sitting on timeout chair :-( )

Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Big Basin State Park
These were taken during a recent trip to Big Basin State Park.
The Fog on the road almost made us turn back but we are glad we didnt as green forest with the contrast of red from the soil and tree's trunks was a visual feast ...
More photos at
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Finally caught that Squirrel - on camera :-)
18-200mm Lens @ 200mm
1/400 sec exposure
Friday, January 01, 2010
My Hobbies
That made me pause and think. Somewhere between being a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a wife and a mother, I forgot to take "ME" time.
Dont get me wrong, I love my family and love to spend time with them, but I also am a firm believer in Me time, everyone needs that time to pursue their own interests.
We need to recharge our batteries to be able to keep the vehicle of life and family running ....
As some people may know I have taken up photography to keep me motivated. But that is my "current" hobby.
So coming back to the question, I was thinking what is my hobby REALLY??
Its a Short Life! There are so many things to do and so many people to meet in world, but so little time!
It should not be wasted on a single pursuit.
This time should be guarded like treasured jewel!
Travel- Getting there is half the fun and the other half of the fun means going even further once I'm there. I am a nomad, a gypsy at heart!
Adventure sports- Tried some, would love to try the rest of em.
I can never pass up a good book. As soon as I know about it, I would find a way to read it.
I love to dance and sing and write poetry as a expression of myself.
I love to go on an horsebackride...wind blowing through my hair - Something which I havent done for a long time.
I look to the clouds and the universe that contains so many magical secrets crying out for exploration. All things mystical intrigue me.
I am always on a high when I get close to nature but that doesnt mean that I do not enjoy the company of a sound mind. I get inspired by the intricacies of nature and the human minds ability to interpret in so many different ways ....
Mystery excites me, Challenge entices me, Beauty inspires me, Mind propels me and pursuit of those is my hobby.